By Registered & Ordinary Post
06 March 2025
Dear Sir/ Madam,
We are PARTY_1_NAME, your landlord in respect of the above property.
By a tenancy agreement dated AGREEMENT_DATE, we let to you the above property for a term of YEARS years from COMMENCE_DATE to END_DATE at a monthly rent of CURRENCYRENT inclusive of rates, Government rent and management fees but exclusive of all other outgoings, payable in advance on the PAYABLE_DAY day of each and every calendar month.
In breach of the said tenancy agreement, you have failed to pay the monthly rent of CURRENCYRENT for the period from FAILURE_TO_PAY_DATE to date. As a result, a total sum of CURRENCYTOTAL_AMOUNT is now due and owing from you.
We, therefore, give you notice, which we hereby do, that unless the total sum of CURRENCYTOTAL_AMOUNT is paid to us within 7 days from the date hereof, we will exercise our rights to terminate your tenancy and commence legal proceedings against you to recover possession of the above premises and all amounts due to it together with all legal costs thereby incurred without further notice.