I, the undersigned whose name address and description are respectively set out in the First Schedule hereto D hereby absolutely renounce and abandon the use of my former name as set out in the Second Schedule hereto ( my “ Former Name ” ) and in lieu thereof DO assume from the date hereof the name as set out in the First Schedule hereto (my “ Newly Assumed Name ” ) AND in pursuance of such change of name as aforesaid I hereby DECLARE that I shall at all times hereafter in all records deeds and instruments in writing and in all actions proceedings and in all dealings and transactions and upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign my Newly Assumed Name as my name in lieu of my Former Name so renounced as aforesaid AND I hereby AUTHORISE and REQUEST all persons to designate and address me by my Newly Assumed Name only.
Name : | ( “Newly Assumed Name” ) NEW_NAME |
Address: | ADDRESS |
Identification document: | ID_TYPE no. ID_NO |
( “Former Name ” )
IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto signed my Newly Assumed Name and have set my hand and seal this 01 April 2025.
SIGNED SEALED and DELIVERED by the said NEW_NAME formerly known as FORMER_NAME in the presence of :- | ) ) ) ) ) my Newly Assumed Name Specimen signatures of my Former Name |
Dated this 01 April 2025