
07 March 2025


Dear NAME,

Re: LEVEL Application for FIRST LAST

I am writing to recommend FIRST LAST for this year's LEVEL application. [After the interview on [Date],] [his / her] parents PARENTS are very keen on the school [and have written to you on several occasions]. PARENTS have talked passionately with me about SCHOOL and it is clear that they have set their sights on SCHOOL as the top school choice for their [boy / girl]. 

PARENTS is currently [brief description of job profession]. Despite [his / her] busy working schedule, [he / she] has dedicated much time in the services of [describe any public services]. [PARENTS has been [a full time mother since her child were born] / [describe how to balance between work and family life and have time for the child]. Besides raising her children, she serves as [describe any public services].] 

PARENTS see moral education and character building as their top priorities for their children’s education. FIRST has been attending [name of pre-school / Sunday School / church / mosque] since [age] years old [and was baptized]. [He/ She] enjoys reading (with [insert any prizes and awards]) and is strong academically. [FIRST is gifted in creative arts (with awards in drawing) and is learning [instrument]. FIRST is a children's choir member and is gifted in performing arts (with awards in [language] recital). FIRST is active in sports and likes [insert sports]. [He / She] bears resemblance to many good students at SCHOOL that I know and [he / she] is blessed with supportive, open-minded, [religious] parents. 

I had a unique opportunity to share my own experience as SCHOOL [alumni / parent] with PARENTS.  They are deeply attracted to SCHOOL’s education philosophy and open environment for students to fully develop their character, academic and leadership abilities. [Add school's other philosophies] They are also well aligned with SCHOOL’s emphasis on teacher-student relationship and home-school partnership.  They are dedicated and supportive parents who are focused in raising their children. I believe that FIRST is well suited to the all-round education provided by SCHOOL.  [He / She] is a good match for SCHOOL and would contribute well to the school and the student community. PARENTS would also actively support the school like many SCHOOL parents that I have come to know over the past [number] of years.
