15 March 2025


Dear NAME,

Complaint of Harassment by the Occupant of ADDRESS

I refer to your letter dated DATE (the “Letter”) in relation to a certain water seepage situation in the ceiling of ADDRESS (the “Complainant Flat”).

1. At the outset I refute any allegations that the apartment I reside in, being ACCOUNT_JOB_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE, caused what you refer to as water seepage problems in the Complainant Flat. Therefore, I am of the view that the request for me to bear the repair costs of the ceiling of the Complainant Flat is groundless.

2. In my previous conversations with the management office (“MO”) of BUILDING and correspondences from the MO, it was indicated that there was a water seepage complaint from the Complainant Flat without providing any convincing justifications that such a complaint might be relevant to the flat in which I currently occupy. Nonetheless, we have consulted with a contractor who then visited the Complainant Flat and inspected the condition of the ceiling, as well as inspecting the floor of my own flat. It was reported to me that there was no conclusive evidence that the condition of the ceiling of the Complainant Flat was caused by my flat. The condition of the ceiling of the affected area might well be the result of natural wearing given BUILDING itself is a very humid area and the relatively high humidity in general. Furthermore, it was pointed out there were unauthorised structures immediately next to the affected area of the Complainant Flat. Such unauthorised structures might weaken the condition of the surrounding cement of the affected area as well as that of the exterior wall of BUILDING of the Complainant Flat, thus leading to potential water seepage problem in the affected area.
