14 March 2025
Complaint About Harassment
The Company would like to inform you that we have received a complaint against you from an employee COMPLAINANT_NAME on your alleged misconduct which violated our policies against workplace harassment.
The Company is committed to conduct a full investigation into the allegations. We shall take appropriate action as required based on the results of the investigation in accordance with our policies. The investigation shall be handled with the utmost confidentiality and we expect and appreciate your full cooperation.
During the course of our investigation, please do not contact the complainant to avoid any possible implication of interference with the investigation. You should also avoid contacting other colleagues directly or indirectly about the complaint made against you. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action regardless of whether the alleged complaint has any merit.
The Company shall contact you shortly to set up a meeting to discuss the alleged complaint. We will keep an open mind and consider all information that you and other involved parties can provide to ensure that we reach a fair conclusion.
Please contact me at any time if you have any issue in relation to this investigation.
Thank you for your cooperation.