
the Occupant of

01 April 2025


Dear Sir / Madam,

Complaint of Noise by the Occupant of

I ACCOUNT_FIRST_NAMEACCOUNT_LAST_NAME, am the Occupant of ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (the "Property"). I am issuing you, Incorporated Owners of BUILDING with a final warning letter before action.


Owing to the Nuisance, our family never enjoys sweet dream since the moving in the Property. Worst still, I seldom sleep for more than 4 hours at night hence I was not able to concentrate on my work during day times working hours.

We have lodged lots of complaints with the management office of BUILDING since or about [DATE]. The management office represented to us that they would issue warning letters to the owners / occupiers as aforesaid for the removal of the Unauthorised Installations. The manager of the management office, [NAME], also warranted that he would speak with the respective owners / occupiers for the replacement of some “noiseless” water pumps in order to settle the matter in an amicable way.

However, despite the aforesaid representations and warranties, nothing had been done by the management office to rectify / cure the Nuisance as aforesaid. Hence, we lodged a formal complaint to the Water Department in relation to the Unauthorised Installations in [DATE] and later on we were informed that the Water Department had written several warning letters to owners / occupiers as aforesaid for the removal of the Unauthorised Installations. The management office on [DATE] warranted that the Owners' Incorporated has lodged application to the Water Department for the installation of a New Water Tank on the Roof of BUILDING therefore the Nuisance would be vanished after the installation of a New Water Tank and the Unauthorised Installations would be removed thereafter. The only solution offered to us was to sit and wait. 
