To: [Name of University]


13 March 2025

Dear Sir / Madam,

Complaint of Discrimination by NAME

I would like to lodge this formal complaint against NAME, who is in the position of POSITION (the “Discriminator”), who has been discriminating against me for the past PERIOD.

[DESCRIBE THE FACTS] Ever since I [enrolled in the university/enrolled in the class] in [Month] NAME has treated me in a discriminatory manner. The Discriminator commented on my background in relation to my [race/ gender/ religion/ socio-economic background/ disability] and consistently awarded me marks which are not only inconsistent with nor reflective of my efforts and abilities, but suggest highly subjective marking practices on the basis of additional factors.   

I have tried to speak with the Discriminator privately to address the issue but [he / she] has been avoidant. On [date], we finally had a one-on-one meeting, [he / she] refuses to admit that [he / she] has conducted themselves inappropriately and discriminated against me on the basis of [race/ gender/ religion/ socio-economic background/ disability]. [He / She] was just [awarding me the marks I deserved/marking my work objectively] and I was the one reacting to criticisms poorly. The discriminatory comments and behaviour have not stopped after the meeting. When I pointed them out, [he / she] said they did not have ill-intentions and refused to apologise even after I said their conduct was inappropriate.

[DESCRIBE HOW THE DISCRIMINATION AFFECTS YOU] - The discrimination has affected my self-esteem and made me lose confidence in myself and my academic abilities. It has not only compromised my ability to succeed [academically/ professionally], but had a severe impact on my confidence and ability to feel comfortable in the learning environment. My [scholarship/ graduation] prospects are being determined on the basis of my [race/ gender/ religion/ socio-economic background / disability], and in turn this impacts my hiring prospects. Even though I enjoy my studies, I believe that I cannot continue to work here if the discriminatory behaviour does not cease and continues to influence my chances of academic success. Such discriminatory behaviour on the basis of [race/ gender/ religion/ socio-economic background/ disability] disadvantages me against my fellow classmates who are objectively awarded the marks they deserve based on their efforts and abilities alone. The discrimination is not conducive to a healthy atmosphere in the [university/ course], which has been felt by other [classmates/ members of the faculty].
