To: Management Office of [name of housing estate] 


01 April 2025

Dear Sirs,

Complaint on Breach of Deed of Mutual Covenant (DMC)

I am the owner of [Flat A, B/Floor, Block C] of [name of housing estate].  I am writing to lodge a complaint to your office on alleged breach of the Deed of Mutual Covenant (DMC) by some of the estate residents and am demanding the estate management office to take immediate action for DMC compliance.  

Recently, I have I noticed a number of estate residents walking their dogs in the common area of the estate and also riding the elevator with their dogs and other pets.  The presence of these animals in the estate is causing noise nuisance (dog's barking) to the other estate residents and also hygiene issue (fouling of common area with faeces) to the estate.  

It is specifically stated in the DMC that keeping pets in this housing estate is prohibited.  The pet owners are clearly in breach of the DMC.  The estate duty officer and security guards seem to turn a blind eye on the pet owners and their misbehaviour.  So far, no action has been taken or warning issued to the offenders to stop the breach. 

[Please provide other breach of DMC details based on your own situation.]

This letter serves as a formal complaint to the management office on this matter.  If the management office fails to take appropriate action to stop the breach within 14 days, I shall have no choice but to escalate the complaint to the Incorporated Owners (IO) for legal action against the offenders.  
