THIS TYPE POWER OF ATTORNEY is made this 13 March 2025 by PARTY_1_NAME, Identification number: DONOR_ID of PARTY_1_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE

I hereby revoke any previous power of attorney for financial affairs and appoint PARTY_2_NAME, Identification number:  of PARTY_2_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINEPARTY_3_NAME, Identification number: ATT2_ID of PARTY_3_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE and PARTY_4_NAME, Identification number: ATT3_ID of PARTY_4_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (the "Attorneys") as my true and lawful attorneys to act JOINTLY on my behalf

☐  to collect any income due to me;
☐  to collect any capital due to me;
☐  to sell any of my movable property;
☐  to sell, lease or surrender my home or any of my immovable property;
☐  to spend any of my income;
☐  to spend any of my capital;
☐  to exercise any of my powers as a trustee.

This Power is valid upon execution. The Attorney shall act with my consent when I still have mental capacity. I intend this power of attorney to continue even if I become mentally incapable. 

This Power is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of JURISDICTION_COUNTRY.


In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal.

by )
in the presence of: )
[specify the name(s) of the 2 directors / witnesses] )
