THIS MORTGAGE OF SECURITIES is made on 12 March 2025


(1)            PARTY_1_NAME whose principal place of business is at PARTY_1_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE as chargor and assignor (the "Mortgagor")

(2)            PARTY_2_NAME whose principal place of business is at PARTY_2_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE as chargee and assignee (the "Lender")


(A) By a loan agreement (the Loan Agreement) dated DATE between the Mortgagor and the Lender, the Lender has agreed upon and subject to the terms there set out to make available to the Mortgagor a loan facility of CURRENCY 

(B) It is a condition of availability of the facility under the Loan Agreement that the Mortgagor execute and deliver this Mortgage. 

This Deed Witnesses as follows:

1. Definitions

1.1 Except where the context otherwise requires or where otherwise defined herein, words and expressions defined in the Loan Agreement bear the same meanings when used herein. 

1.2 In this Mortgage: 

(a) references to the Mortgagor, the Lender, the Managers or the Lenders include references to any person for the time being deriving title under each of them respectively; 

(b) references to this Mortgage and the Loan Agreement are references to the same as from time to time varied supplemented or amended in any manner or respect whatsoever, and in particular by variations which increase or otherwise affect the liability of the Mortgagor;
