For the attention of: PARTY_1_CONTACT


23 February 2025


Final Demand relating to Invoice Number INVOICE dated DATE before Commencing Action

Outstanding Invoice: CURRENCY AMOUNT

You have not paid the outstanding amount of CURRENCY AMOUNT relating to Invoice Number INVOICE dated DATE for GOODS. In spite of numerous reminders, we have not received a satisfactory response from you so far. Our credit terms stipulate full payment within and this invoice is now overdue.

[Our Credit Department has informed me of its intention to file suit as you have failed to answer any of our requests for payment. Before taking this action, we would like to make a personal appeal to your sound business judgment. We feel certain that, if you can contact us, we can devise some means to settle this matter out of court.]   

[We urge you to settle the full amount immediately by means of a transfer to the following account:


If you fail to settle this now extremely overdue invoice within DAYS days of the date of this letter, we will have no choice but to take one or more of the following actions without further warning:

(i) pass this invoice to a debt recovery agency, who will add further debt collection fees, in addition to the amount as outlined above; and / or
