
Attention: [Human Resource Manager]

28 February 2025


Dear [Mr / Mrs / Ms] LAST,

Please be informed that this letter serves to be a formal intimation that I am in the process of applying for a position with another company in the private sector. I have been found to be a suitable candidate for this new position with the required qualifications and experience. One of the conditions of this job application is that I provide a letter of [no objection / reference] from EMPLOYER.

It is kindly requested that a letter of [no objection / reference] be issued in order for me to complete my job application. [I am very keen on the new role and hope you issue me with the document as early as possible.]

Whilst the purpose of this intimation letter is to notify you of the next step of my career, I will remain as the employee of EMPLOYER until I officially resign. Should I not be selected for the role, I will continue my service with EMPLOYER.
