01 April 2025

Dear Sir / Madam, 

Re: Request for PRODUCT

We are from ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY. We understand that your company supplies PRODUCT. We are interested in ordering QUANTITY of PRODUCT. We intend to use the PRODUCT for PURPOSE.

Would you be able to supply us with QUANTITY of PRODUCT by DATE? We appreciate the impact of the Coronavirus crisis has caused significant disruptions around the world, including the supply of PRODUCT. If you do not have sufficient PRODUCT in stock, we would appreciate if you could let us know when the next shipment is coming in and put us on the waiting list (if any).

We value you as our supplier and strive to build a good and loyal relationship base on trust. In addition, it is important for us to protect our credit ratings, so we have always been paying our invoices in full and on time. It would also be greatly appreciated if you could also provide us with the latest price list.
