THIS LICENCE TO OCCUPY is entered into on 29 January 2025
(1) PARTY_1_NAME whose address is at PARTY_1_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (the "Licensor")
(2) PARTY_2_NAME whose address is at PARTY_2_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (the "Lodger")
The Licensor shall let and the Lodger shall occupy the Premises for the Term of Licence (as defined below) with furniture, fixtures, fittings and equipment therein (as per Schedule, if any) in clean and tenantable condition to the Lodger for residential purpose.
1. Licence
The Licensor hereby grants to the Lodger exclusive permission to use the ROOM (the "Space") and the use of the Communal Areas (as defined below) at ADDRESS (the “Premises”) and the fixtures, fittings and equipment therein (as per Schedule, if any) as the Licensor shall from time to time designate for a term of TERM months, commencing on COMMENCEMENT_DATE and expiring on END_DATE.
"Communal Areas" means COMMUNAL.
2. Licence Fee
2.1 The Licence Fee is CURRENCY RENT per month to be paid in arrear, the Licence Fee includes furnitures, fixtures, fittings and equipment, and other items and fees as listed in the Schedule.
2.2 The Lodger shall make the payment in full, the Licence Fee is payable prior to the first day on or before COMMENCEMENT_DATE.
2.3 For the avoidance of doubt, the Lodger shall not be entitled to use the Premises until the Deposit and the Licence Fee has been paid in full.
3. Deposit
3.1 The deposit is CURRENCYDEPOSIT in total, payable within 1 business day after the signing of this Licence.