01 April 2025

Dear Sir / Madam,

Cease and Desist - Harassment

I am issuing you, NAME with a final cease and desist letter on the unwelcomed harassment actions at the workplace towards or against me, including but not limited to the following:

You must immediately cease the above unlawful actions of harassment against me which violates my right under the law. As a result of your actions, I have suffered the following damages: 

Under the laws of JURISDICTION_STATE, it is an offence if your actions have caused me to be frightened, intimidated and emotionally distressed. Therefore I demand you to immediately cease and desist from your harassment actions towards me, which has become unbearable.  

If you do not cease the above-referenced breach or violation a lawsuit will be filed against you.

If I am forced to commence a lawsuit to address these intentionally disruptive and damaging actions, be advised that I will seek recovery of all legal fees and costs incurred herein as a result. While I hope this is not necessary, I am prepared to pursue whatever action necessary.

I will not send another warning letter. If you do not confirm in writing by DATE that you will cease the harassment a lawsuit will be commenced immediately.
