Annual Maintenance Agreement

This Agreement is made on 01 April 2025 between PARTY_1_NAME (“the Company”) and PARTY_2_NAME (“User).

The Company hereby agrees to provide the service specified herein to the User pursuant to the charges, terms and conditions as set forth herein. The products (the "Product") to be maintained under this Agreement includes the following:


It is agreed as follows:

1. Term

1.1 This one (1) year servicing agreement commencing on the day of signing of this agreement shall be renewed automatically at the prevailing rate at the end of every one (1) year period for another one (1) year term, subject, however, to the right of either party to terminate the contract at the end of the original or any renewal term by mailing notice to that effect to the last known principal office of the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the designated termination date.

2. Services Provided

2.1 The Company warrants to the User that the Company shall provide the following services during the agreement servicing period.

3. Charges

3.1 The User shall pay a one-time annual fee for maintenance services pursuant to this agreement. Payment is due in advance. Prices are subject to revision by the Company upon any and all renewals of this agreement in accordance with the Company's maintenance price schedule in effect at the time of such renewals. All applicable taxes, if any, shall be borne by the User in addition to the annual maintenance charge.

4. Liability

4.1 The Company shall not be liable for failure to perform its obligations hereunder, and such failure to perform shall not constitute a breach of this agreement, when repair of the Product is required as a result of an accident, misuse, abuse, electric current fluctuations, use of supplies or accessories that do not meet the Company's standards, fire, flood, or other adverse conditions damaging the Product at the User's premises. Additionally, the Company shall not be liable for delays or failure to perform under this agreement for causes beyond its reasonable control for the period of time that such causes are enduring.

