For the attention of: PARTY_1_CONTACT


01 April 2025

Rental Notice


The TENANCY Agreement in relation to ADDRESS (the "Premises") dated DATE

This is a notice that we have not yet received rental payment for the month(s) of MONTH under the above Tenancy Agreement (the "Agreement") between PARTY_1_NAME as the Tenant and us as the Landlord. The due date was DUE and the amount of rent outstanding is CURRENCY RENT.

[As you are usually very prompt in settling your rent, we wonder whether there is any special reason why we have not received payment of the above.]

[We understand that this may merely be an oversight and we would greatly appreciate if you could make the rental payment as soon as possible.] 

Please be reminded that your obligations to settle the rent is at the beginning of the rental period, not during or at the end of the rental period.
