Work From Home Policy


A.   General Purpose

ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY (the “Company”) is dedicated to supporting work-life balance for its employees, ensuring the health and safety of employees and to explore flexible working arrangements under unpredictable and special circumstances. Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic situations, it is of the Company’s prior consideration to provide contingency measures and allow employees to work under safe conditions shall the pandemic situation remains unsettled or any other unexpected events arise.

The purpose of this policy is:

·      To set out the eligibility for application for working from home;

·      Provide guidance for employees to work from home effectively and safely;

·      Clarify appropriate workplace behaviour and workplace expectations; and

·      Explaining the employees’ roles and responsibilities under such arrangements.

This policy applies to all levels of employees who are currently under a fixed-term contract, permanent contract part-time contract, interns, and casual workers, subject to the eligibility as stated below. This policy is endorsed and fully supported by the Company and its senior management. The Company reserves all rights to amend the content of the policy at any time.

While this policy is meant to be comprehensive, it is impossible to anticipate every certain situation which could arise under this policy. As such, we will apply discretion in order to ensure fairness under this policy. Employees are also expected to apply the same level of discretion and judgement.

B.    Terms and Conditions

a. Working from Home

Employees are considered to be working from home when they work at a place outside of the office.

Generally, working from home does not affect employment terms. If changes need to be made to employment terms to make the work from home arrangement permanent, a new contract will be made to reflect such changes.

b. Eligibility 

All employees may be eligible to work from home shall they meet the following criteria:

b. Application Procedures

c.     Attendance and Availability of work

d.     Employees' Responsibilities and Duties 

e.    Security

f.    Benefits and Compensations

g. Absence and Leave Policy

h. Dress Policy

i.    Reimbursements

C. For more information

D. Revision Date
