Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Date: DATE
Time: TIME
Chairperson: CHAIRPERSON
(a) Quorum: The Chairperson declared that a quorum was present.
(b) Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting held on were taken as read, having been circulated, and were signed as a correct record of the proceedings of that meeting.
(c) Notice of meeting: The notice convening the meeting was tabled and taken as read.
2. Ordinary business
2.1 The Chairperson noted that the audited accounts of the Company for the year ended 2025 and the accompanying directors' report had been approved by the board of directors of the Company and laid them, together with the auditors' report on the accounts, before the meeting.
2.3 The Chairperson explained that in accordance with the articles of association of the Company, DIRECTOR was required to retire by rotation at the meeting. The Chairperson proposed an ordinary resolution that DIRECTOR be re-appointed a director of the Company in accordance with the articles of association of the Company.[[_____ _____] seconded the resolution.] The Chairperson put the resolution to the meeting and, on a show of hands, declared it passed unanimously.
2.4 The Chairperson proposed an ordinary resolution that AUDITOR be re-appointed as auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next general meeting at which accounts are laid before the Company and that their remuneration be fixed by the directors. [[_____ _____] seconded the resolution.] The Chairperson put to the meeting the resolution and, on a show of hands, declared it passed unanimously.