16 September 2024
Application for Admission - FIRST LAST
Thank you again for giving my child FIRST the chance to attend the admission interview on DATE for Year YEAR of SCHOOL.
FIRST told us that the interview was very well organised, the teachers were so friendly and helpful when mediating the sessions. However, FIRST did mention that his session was dominated by a very talkative boy who “took over" the conversations. Hopefully, the teacher would recognise that FIRST was keen to express more opinions on the topics but may not have a chance to do so. FIRST wished [he / she] could stay longer and talk more with the teacher!
We were very impressed with the school interview arrangements. The staff efficiently directed the children to the interview without any chaos, with minimal waiting time for the parents. The school management has undoubtedly paid lots of effort in their daily operations and in turn, has made SCHOOL a well-operated school.
As we learn more about SCHOOL, not only are we impressed by your students' outstanding academic results. With the strong supportive management and culture of SCHOOL, I am sure it will continue to excel as a school of excellence. We certainly hope that FIRST would be given a chance to attend your prestigious school in Year YEAR, and we look forward to learning the “secret sauce” soon.