Whistleblowing policy


01 April 2025

1. About this policy

1.1 In ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY, We are committed to maintaining high standards for all the services we provide and conducting our business with honesty and integrity. However, sometimes unforeseen circumstances arise from time to time, where things go wrong, and these conducts may have illegal or unethical characteristics. We must maintain a transparent and open culture to prevent these situations from occurring and address and take responsibility when they occur.

1.2 The aims of this policy are:

  1. To encourage staff to report suspected wrongdoing or any breaches of duties as soon as possible. Reassuring that they will be protected and confidentiality will be respected and that we take their concerns seriously and will take appropriate as we see fit.
  2. To provide guidance on how to raise those concerns.
  3. To assure our staff that they should raise genuine concerns without the fear of reprisal, even if it could just be a misunderstanding or mistake.

1.3 This policy applies to all employees, including officers, consultants, contractors, casual workers, agency workers, volunteers and interns.

1.4 This policy is not part of any employee's employment contract as we may make amendments to this policy from time to time.

2. Personnel responsible for the policy

2.1 The board has the overall authority and responsibility to oversee this policy's operation, including reviewing the effectiveness of actions taken in response to concerns raised under this policy.

2.2 The Whistleblowing Officer has the responsibility to ensure that all managers and any other staff who may deal with concerns or investigations under this policy receive regular and appropriate training.

2.3 The Whistleblowing Officer, in conjunction with the board, should review this policy periodically, at least once a year.

3. What is WhistleBlowing?

4. Raising a whistleblowing concern

5. Confidentiality

6. Investigation and outcome

7. If you are not satisfied

8.External Disclosures

9. Protection and support for whistleblowers

10. Contacts
