Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

1. Policy

Modern Slavery is a crime and a violation of human rights. ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY is committed to protecting human rights and prohibits all forms of modern slavery including human trafficking, slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour throughout the organisation, its business and supply chain. The Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy ("Policy") demonstrates the Company's commitment to:

(a) act ethically and with integrity in all its business relationships

(b) ensure slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in its business or supply chain;

(c) ensure the employees are aware of the Company’s commitment to fighting against modern slavery ;

(d) outline the measures that the Company will take to prevent any form of modern slavery in its own business and the Company's supply chain. 

(e) ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015

2. Application of the Policy

2.1 This policy applies to all officers and directors, employees, workers, contractors, interns, agents, consultants and agency workers and casual workers. ("Employees")

2.2 We expect the suppliers and contractors of the Company to observe the same high standards as set out in this policy. As part of our contracting process, we include specific prohibitions against modern slavery, and we expect that our suppliers and contractors will hold their suppliers to the same high standards.

2.3 This policy is endorsed and fully supported by the Company and its senior management. This policy does not form part of any employee's contract of employment and the Company reserves all rights to amend the content of the policy at any time.


3.    Our Responsibilities and Measures

3.1 Senior management of the Company is responsible for the dissemination and implementation of this policy in the Company.

3.2 The Legal Department is responsible for overall compliance and handling breach allegations.

3.3 The Human Resource Department ("HRD") will have the primary day-to-day responsibility for the implementation of this policy, monitoring its use and ensuring that the appropriate processes and control systems are in place, and amended as appropriate, to ensure it can operate effectively. The HRD welcomes any questions or comments on this policy and suggestions for ways in which the Company may improve the procedures relating to the eradication of modern slavery in its operations.

4. Policy Violations

5. For more information

6. Revision and Explanation of the Policy
