01 April 2025

Dear NAME,

Subject: Disciplinary hearing


I am writing to you to inform you are required to attend a disciplinary hearing at HEARINGTIME on HEARINGDATE. The disciplinary hearing will take place at VENUE. The purpose of the hearing is to consider the following allegation(s) made against you:

We have received a complaint that you assaulted NAME in  PLACE at TIME on DATE. We have collected various evidence and have received statements from witnesses people who the assault.

For your reference, I have attached a summary of the findings of our investigation, which sets out further details of the allegations, and copies of relevant witness statements. We do not preclude the possibility of summoning any other witnesses for the purposes of the hearing. 

If you would like to call summon any relevant witnesses to the hearing, please give me their details as soon as possible, including their names and any other relevant documents that you would like to submit for consideration at the hearing. Please submit these documents within one week of the date of this letter.

The hearing proceedings will follow the rules set out in the disciplinary procedure. I have also attached a copy of the staff handbook here.

If the investigation panel finds that you have committed misconduct, we may issue you a written warning.

Three panellists will be selected to conduct the hearing. I have included details of each of the panellists in the attachment. In accordance with the disciplinary procedure, you reserve the right to bring a trade union representative or a colleague to the hearing. If you would like to bring a companion to the hearing, you must submit the details of these person(s) as soon as possible. These person(s) may address certain issues to facilitate your case. However, they are not entitled to answer questions directed toward you.
