At ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY (the “Company”), no person, without the prior involvement and approval of the Corporate Communications department, is authorised to speak to any member of the press, either on or off-the-record, or on a background basis regarding Company or its business. 

If you receive inquiries from the media or have any questions about any aspect of the policy below, please contact one of our Corporate Communications/Media Relations representatives. 

One of the Company's most important assets is its reputation and communicating with the news media is an important way of promoting the company's strategy and capabilities to clients, shareholders, and the public. The Corporation's Media Relations Policy is designed to protect and enhance this asset. The policy below refers specifically to business-related discussions involving the Company, its affiliates, and its any related activities. It does not address solely personal discussions that are not in any way related to Company, that do not mention Company, that are not performed on Company time or premises, and that do not use Company material or communications tools. 

Failure to comply with this policy can subject the employee to disciplinary action, including the possibility of termination. 

Media Contacts 

All news media requests seeking interviews or business-related discussions involving any employee must first be cleared by Corporate Communications and if necessary the employee's manager. Even off-the-record and background discussions with a reporter must first be cleared with Corporate Communications and, if necessary, the appropriate manager. This includes requests from print, broadcast and online media. 

All contact from the media should be referred and, or reported to Corporate Communications even if you don't think the call merits a response. Failure to report a call can result in unwanted or inaccurate press coverage as well as damaging the Company's relationships with the news organisations. 

If contacted in person or in other ways by the Media with general or specific comments, simply state “Please address your questions to Company Media Relations.” 

When media interviews are approved, employees should only comment on matters that reflect their specific areas of responsibility or expertise. Only members of Executive Management, Corporate Communications professionals, and other employees specifically authorised by Corporate Communications may comment on the news media about the Company strategic plans, significant organisational or administrative matters, results of operations, or information (financial or non-financial) indicative of the firm’s performance. Even those employees who are specifically authorised to make such comments must first coordinate discussions with Corporate Communications. 

Speeches, Articles, Letters to the Editor, Books 

Company Products and Research 

General Guidelines 


For more information

Revision Date
