27 February 2025



The PRODUCT supplied to our order number ORDERNUMBER of DATE was delivered by your carriers this morning.

We noticed that one outer edge of the wrapping had been worn through, presumably as a result of friction in transit. When we took off the wrapping, it was not surprising to find that the PRODUCT itself was [soiled and slightly frayed at the edge].

[This is the second time in 3 weeks that we have had cause to write to you about the same matter. We find it hard to understand why precautions could not be taken to prevent a repetition of the earlier damage.]

[Although other PRODUCT have been delivered in good condition, this second experience within such a short time suggests the need for special precautions against friction when PRODUCT are packed onto your delivery vehicles. We hope you will bear this in mind when handling our future orders.]

Given the condition of the present PRODUCT we cannot offer it for sale at the normal price and propose to reduce our selling price by 10%. We suggest that you make us an allowance of 10% on the invoice cost. If you cannot do this, we shall have to return the PRODUCT for replacement.
