
06 March 2025


Dear [Title] [Name],

We are writing in relation to the AGREEMENT agreement dated DATE  between ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY and the FULL_NAME for PURPOSE (the "Agreement"). 

With effect from the 06 March 2025, we hereby authorise and direct you to make all payments of all sums, due or which shall become due pursuant to the Agreement, directly to the party indicated below:


The payment(s) must be delivered no later than the day on which such amount(s) are due under the Agreement.

This direction is provided for the administrative convenience of the ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY and in no event the FULL_NAME shall be responsible or liable to any third party other than to transfer the payments(s) as directed in this letter.

We confirm that the payment instruction to a third party is for a legitimate purpose and is not in breach of any financial, exchange or anti-money laundering regulations of JURISDICTION_STATE.
