
Current Date: 07 March 2025

Dear Sir/Madam,

As discussed at our meeting earlier today, after applying the organisation’s redundancy selection criteria, I am very sorry to confirm that you have been selected for redundancy. The selection criteria and your scores are attached to this letter.

Unfortunately, we have not been able to identify any suitable alternative work for you.

Notice to end the employment

You are entitled to [X] weeks’ notice to end your employment with NAME, based on your [contract of employment/length of service].

[Note: use either A, B or C.]

A. We will require you to work your notice. During your notice period, you are entitled to take a reasonable amount of paid time off work to look for alternative employment and attend job interviews. Before taking any such time off, you should get your manager’s agreement. Your last day of employment will be TERMINATION_DAY.

B. Your employment will terminate on TERMINATION_DAY. You will not be required to work your notice period and the organisation will make a payment in lieu (instead) of notice to you.

C. We do not currently require you to work for us during your notice period. However, you should remain available for work in case this changes. You are entitled to take a reasonable amount of paid time off work to look for alternative employment and attend job interviews. Before taking any such time off, you should get your manager’s agreement. Your last day of employment will be TERMINATION_DAY.

Untaken annual leave

Any annual leave you have accrued but have not taken at the end of your employment will be added to your final payment.

Entitlement to redundancy pay

Right to appeal
