01 April 2025
Re: Job Offer for the Position of TITLE
Following the organisation’s recent selection / your recent interview, we are writing to offer you the post of TITLE with ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY (the "Company") at the salary of CURRENCYSALARY per year, starting on DATE.
Full details of the post’s terms and conditions of employment are in your attached written statement of terms and conditions of employment.
This is a [permanent/ fixed-term/ temporary post/ temporary post to cover for maternity leave].
On starting, you will report to MANAGER.
As explained at your [assessment day/ interview], this job offer is made subject to satisfactory results from necessary pre-employment checks. There will also be a probationary period of PROBATION which will have to be completed satisfactorily.
If you have any queries on the contents of this letter, the attached written statement of terms and conditions of employment or the pre-employment checks, please do not hesitate to contact me.
To accept this offer, please sign this letter and the attached written statement of terms and conditions of employment, and send it back to us.
We are delighted to offer you this opportunity and look forward to you joining the organisation and working with you.