Investigation report
Introduction | Investigation authorised by: [Name and role] |
Investigator: [Name and role] |
Date investigation began: |
Terms of reference: [include if they were amended and how] |
Background to the investigation: [Brief overview of the matter] |
Process of investigation | The investigation process: [Explain how the investigation was authorised] |
Evidence collected: [List all evidence collected] |
Evidence not collected: [List all evidence that could not be collected and why |
Persons interviewed: [List all people interviewed] |
Persons not interviewed: [List any witnesses that could not be interviewed and why] |
Anonymised statements: [If any, explain why and provide details of any enquiries into witness] |
The investigation findings | Summary of written and physical evidence: [name and summarise each document contained, set out how the evidence supported or did not support your findings and why] |
Summary of witness evidence: [name and summarise each witness statement, quote from a statement where relevant, and set out how the witness statement supported or did not support your findings and why] |
Facts established: [detail what the investigation has established] |
Facts that could not be established: [detail any part of the investigation that was inconclusive] |
Mitigating factors: [detail if there were any mitigating factors uncovered that are relevant to the investigation] |
Other relevant information: [detail any other information that is relevant to the matter] |
Conclusion [if required] | Recommendation: Formal action/Informal action/No action required |
Further details on recommendation: [such as the type of action suggested, for example, formal disciplinary meeting, and if there are any other recommendations related to the matter. In disciplinary matters, the investigator should not recommend a possible sanction. This should only be considered at a disciplinary hearing] |
Investigator’s signature: Date: |