UNIVERSITY Personal Statement 


It would be a privilege to study law at UNIVERSITY. Law is not just a profession, but a broad field of intellectual inquiry. As a field of study, it combines a philosophical appeal with a practical application to everyday life. I've always had an interest in this field because REASONS. My view of Law constantly changed as my mind absorbed more after each lecture. One particular concept which had a profound impact on me was the idea of Natural Law. How large of a role should morality play in Law? Does the law have to be morally just for it to have authority? How can an impersonal and objective concept such as Law be determined by something as subjective as morality, which is shaped by an individual's culture and religion? These questions set a fire within me, a persistent curiosity that drew me back to the subject again and again.

This year I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to work at an international law firm. During the time I was there, I was able to see what it was like to be a solicitor. PARTICULARS From this, my eyes were opened to the practical aspect of law — its regulations regarding obligations and duties, regulating economic transactions between people. It was exciting to be a party to their discussions, and it was fascinating to observe how they built a case, paying careful attention to the wording of the law as well as past cases. Although I learned a lot about a career in law from my internship, I felt that I had only seen the tip of the iceberg. 

My studies in the IB diploma have honed skills that are essential to the study of law. For example, I have a very logical way of thinking well suited to deduction and analysis, reinforced and enhanced by my studies in UNIVERSITY at Higher Level. Studying these subjects helped me learn to structure and support arguments in a logical and convincing manner, and have to deduce information from ambiguous primary sources,  analyse meanings from texts, read between the lines to discover the author’s true message, and analyse data to find trends and patterns, and use logic to make predictions.

My extracurricular activities demonstrate my initiative and self-discipline. In this past year I have continued my commitment to take the lead in serving my community by EXTRACURRICULAR. As one of the founding members, it was my responsibility to keep the group organised and focused, testing and honing my leadership. 
