THIS REFERRAL FEE AGREEMENT is entered into on 18 February 2025


(1)            PARTY_1_NAME whose principal place of business is at PARTY_1_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (the "Buyer")

(2)            PARTY_2_NAME whose principal place of business is at PARTY_2_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (the "Referrer")


The Referrer may from time to time refer potential sellers of certain goods or services to the Buyer for a referral fee.

It is agreed as follows:

1. Interpretation


"Excluded Persons" mean existing sellers of the Buyer or potential sellers who have already approached the Buyer to negotiate terms of purchase. Excluded Persons also include their affiliates;

"Goods or Services" mean SERVICES  that the Buyer intends to purchase;

"Value of Goods or Service" means in relation to any Goods or Services, the fees paid by the Buyer to the seller of the Goods or Service, less:

  1. any sales tax, turnover tax, value-added tax or other tax payable thereon;
  2. any expenses or out-of-pocket disbursements.

whether or not such items are separately invoiced;

2. Referral Term

For a period of TERM months after the date hereof (the "Term"), or as subsequently extended by the Buyer and the Referrer in writing, the Buyer engages the Referrer to source independent third-party sellers for the Goods or Services, and the Referrer accepts the Buyer's engagement.
