Employee Wellness report
Introduction | Investigation authorised by: NAME_ROLE |
Investigator: NAME | |
Date investigation began: 01 April 2025 | |
Terms of reference: [include if they were amended and how] | |
Background to the investigation: BACKGROUND |
Process of investigation | Summary of the investigation process: [Explain how the investigation was authorised] |
Evidence collected: [List all evidence collected] Please tick all relevant areas investigated. 口 Work-life balance 口 Relationship with colleagues and boss 口 Sexual equality 口 Racial equality 口 Physical health 口 Mental health | |
Evidence not collected: [List all evidence that could not be collected] Please tick all relevant areas not investigated. 口 Work-life balance 口 Relationship with colleagues and boss 口 Sexual equality 口 Racial equality 口 Physical health 口 Mental health | |
Number of employees interviewed | |
Number of employees not interviewed |
The investigation findings | Summary of written and physical evidence: [name and summarise the performance of each area, set out how the evidence supported or did not support your findings and why] Area 1 investigated: _____________________ Findings: Area 2 investigated: _____________________ Findings: Area 3 investigated: _____________________ Findings: Area 4 investigated: _____________________ Findings: Area 5 investigated: _____________________ Findings: Area 6 investigated: _____________________ Findings: |
Mitigating factors: [detail if there were any mitigating factors uncovered that are relevant to the investigation] | |
Other relevant information: [detail any other information that is relevant to the matter] |
Conclusion [if required] | Recommendations: Area 1: _________________ Formal action/Informal action/No action required Reasons: Area 2: _________________ Formal action/Informal action/No action required Reasons: Area 3: _________________ Formal action/Informal action/No action required Reasons: Area 4: _________________ Formal action/Informal action/No action required Reasons: Area 5: _________________ Formal action/Informal action/No action required Reasons: Area 6: _________________ Formal action/Informal action/No action required Reasons: |