To [Name of the Addressee], 


10 March 2025


Dear [Mr / Mrs / Ms] [Name of the Addressee],

It has been DURATION since you have operated your company. I wish that business has been going well for you. 

Quality Control is a top priority at all companies , and that is why we invite all our clients to have a Quality Control Review. It gives your customers the opportunity to ensure that the companies and corporations they seek services from can meet professional standards and meet their requirements.

Your company is scheduled for assessment on REVIEW_DATE. Our goal is to provide an independent review of your operations. A detailed agenda for the team's visit will be sent over in due course. 

The team members for this review are MEMBERS_REVIEW. Please provide appropriate escorts for any area where security clearance is required. 

When our review is finalised, we will be evaluating them with you in a separate meeting. We aim to develop any necessary action plans for your company to improve on any areas specific within specific completion dates. 

If you would like to take advantage opportunity to discuss any other matters, please contact me at ACCOUNT_PHONE_NO or via email at ACCOUNT_EMAIL
