Data Subject Access Request Policy

General Purpose

ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY (the “Company”) respects the privacy of its online visitors, customers, suppliers, employees and job applicants. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), all individuals have a general right to find out whether we hold or process personal data about them. This policy sets out the key features regarding handling or responding to requests for access to personal data made by data subjects, their representatives or other interested parties.

The objective of this policy is for the Company to ensure that:


(a) This policy provides guidance for staff on how data subject access requests are to be handled and is intended for internal use. This is not a privacy notice/policy. It is not to be made routinely available to third parties. 

(b) This applies to all staff but it is primarily aimed at those who are authorised to handle data subject requests such as the data protection officer. For other staff members, this policy provides guidance on the procedures when you receive a data request and the identification of data subject request. 


Identify Data Subject Access Request 

A data subject access request is a request from an individual or its representative for the following purposes:

A data access request must be made to FULL_NAME at EMAIL

Receiving a data subject access request 

A request can be made either by a direct link provided within our Privacy Policy or occasionally a staff will receive a request from the individual by email or letter

Policy Violations

For More Information

Revision and Explanation of the Policy
