Lien Waiver

This Lien Waiver is made by and between PARTY_1_NAME located at PARTY_1_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (the “Contractor”) and PARTY_2_NAME residing at PARTY_2_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (the “Owner”) and is made on 05 March 2025.

The Contractor hereby acknowledges the receipt of CURRENCY AMOUNTfrom the Owner as full and final payment of the amount due for all labor, materials, equipment. Etc., furnished by the Contractor, for the property located at PARTY_2_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE , pursuant to the NAMEagreement with the Owner executed on DATE (the “Agreement”)

The Contractor does hereby waive and release the Owner from any and all claims and liens and rights of liens upon the property described above, and upon improvements now or hereafter thereon, and upon the monies or other considerations due or to become due from the Owner or from any other person, firm or corporation, said claims, liens and rights of liens being on account of labor, services, materials, fixtures or apparatus heretofore furnished by the Contractor pursuant to the Agreement.

The Contractor further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Owner for any losses, expenses (including attorney fees) should any such claim, lien or right of lien be asserted by the Contractor  or by any its laborer, materialmen or subcontractor.

IN WITNESS HEREOF the parties signed this Release on the day and year first above written.

Yours faithfully

