THIS Donor Agreement is entered into on 22 October 2024


(1)            PARTY_1_NAME whose address is at PARTY_1_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (Donor)

(2)            PARTY_2_NAME whose address is at PARTY_2_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (Recipient)


The Donor and Recipient are desirous of entering into this agreement to set out terms and conditions for sperm donation by the donor for the purpose of artificial insemination.

It is agreed as follows:

1. Purpose

1.1 The Donor agrees to provide his sperm to Recipient for the purpose of artificial insemination to produce a child or children

1.2 The Donor shall not demand, request, or compel any guardianship, custody or visitation rights with any child(ren) born from the artificial insemination procedure. 

2. Medical History

2.1 The Donor represents that Donor has :

(a) fully disclosed his medical history, including any genetic or hereditary conditions, to the best of their knowledge;

(b) not been diagnosed with any sexually transmitted diseases, agrees to undergo medical testing as reasonably required to confirm their medical status.

2.3 The Donor shall promptly notify the recipient of any material changes to his medical history during the term of this agreement.

3. Legal Rights and Responsibilities

3.1 The Donor represents and agrees that they have no legal rights or responsibilities with respect to any resulting children, except as specifically set forth in this agreement.
