State of [Insert State]
County of [Insert Name of County]
I, TRUSTEE, being duly sworn, deposes and states under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
1. The Trust is identified as [Name of Trust] and is described in the Trust Agreement dated [Date] executed by TRUSTEE
2. The Trust was created on [Date of creation]
3. The principal place of administration of of the Trust is located at [Address].
4. The Trust's identification number is [ID Number].
5. The Acting trustee(s) of the Trust are [Name of Acting Trustees]
6. The Trust has not been revoked, modified or amended in any manner which would cause the representations contained herein to be incorrect.
7. The power of the trustee(s) includes:
[ ]The power to sell, convey and exchange / [ ] The power to borrow money and encumber the trust property
9. General Administrative provisions: [Include If any]
Name of Trustee [Name]
Signature Of Trustee [ Signature]
04 March 2025
Notary Acknowledgement