A. Company Information
Company Details | |
Trade name | |
Former name(s) – if applicable | |
Business Address (if different) | |
Business License / Registration No. | ACCOUNT_COMPANY_REG_NO |
Nature of Business (e.g. law firm, bank, asset manager, consulting) | |
Date and Place of Registration | |
Name of Regulator, if any | |
Membership with professional bodies, if any | |
List products or services authorized to sell or provide in the country of regulation | |
Internet/website | |
Authorised Person (For execution of this Referral Agreement other than the Directors) | |
Name & Designation of Contact Person | ACCOUNT_FIRST_NAMEACCOUNT_LAST_NAME |
Email of Contact Person | ACCOUNT_EMAIL |
Telephone of Contact Person | ACCOUNT_PHONE_NO |
Due Diligence Information | |
Company structure (Attach a table or diagram signed by director(s) showing the ownership structure if the shareholders are non-individuals) *Not required if Company is regulated/licensed by a financial regulator in a FATF jurisdiction. | Directors: · · · Shareholders: · · Ultimate Beneficial Owners (who owns 25% or more in the company): · · |
Describe the company’s risk governance structure (if not available, please indicate nil) |
B. Declaration
Honesty, Integrity and Reputation | ||
1) | Has the Intermediary been refused the right or restricted in its right to carry on any trade, business or profession for which a specific license, registration or other authorization is required by law in any jurisdiction? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
2) | Has the Intermediary been issued a prohibition order or has been prohibited from operating in any jurisdiction by any financial services regulatory authority? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
3) | Has the Intermediary been censured, disciplined, suspended or refused membership or registration by any regulatory authority, an operator of a market or clearing facility, any professional body or government agency? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
4) | Has the Intermediary been subject of any proceedings of a disciplinary or criminal nature or has been notified of any potential proceedings or of any investigation which might lead to those proceedings under any law in any jurisdiction? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
5) | Has the Intermediary been convicted of any offence, or is being subject to any pending proceedings which may lead to such a conviction under any law in any jurisdiction? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
6) | Has the Intermediary had any judgment (in particular that associated with a finding of fraud, misrepresentation or dishonesty) entered against it in any civil proceedings or is a party to any proceedings which may lead to such a judgment under any law in any jurisdiction? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
7) | Has the Intermediary accepted civil liability for fraud or misrepresentation under any law in any jurisdiction? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
8) | Has the Intermediary had any civil penalty enforcement action taken against it by any regulatory authorities under any law in any jurisdiction? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
9) | Has the Intermediary contravened or abetted another person in breach of any laws or regulations, business rules or code of conduct? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
10) | Has the Intermediary demonstrated an unwillingness to comply with any regulatory requirement or to uphold any professional and ethical standards? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
AML/CFT policies and procedures | ||
11) | Is the Intermediary subjected to and supervised for compliance with AML/CFT requirements by a regulatory authority? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
12) | Does the Intermediary have money laundering prevention policies and procedures in place which are consistent with standards set by FATF? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
13) | Does the Intermediary have an anti-bribery policy in place? | ☐ YES ☐ NO |
14) | If response to Q11, Q12 or Q13 is NO, does the Intermediary undertake to comply with the AML/CFT requirements in its own jurisdiction? | ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A |
Name & Acknowledgement by Intermediary / Date |
KYC Documents to be Provided