Talent Release Form

This Talent Release (“Release”) is made by and between FULLNAME located at ADDRESS (“I” “Me”) in favor of the name of the Production Company ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY located at ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (“Production Company”) in connection with my appearance on camera in the following production: PRODUCTION ("Production"). The Release is made effective on 29 March 2025.

It is agreed as follows:

1. In return for the opportunity to appear in the Production and payment of PAY (“Payment”), which will be payable to me after my Appearance, I grant the Production Company and its employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, successors, and assigns, the right and permission to record, use, publish, live stream, offer for sale, or otherwise distribute and exploit any audio, video and still images of me recorded for the Production (“Appearance”) and to use my Appearance in the Production and to exploit the Production in any media, in perpetuity throughout the universe. This right and permission includes but is not limited to the use of my name, recorded voice, photograph, likeness, and biographical information in connection with my Appearance (collectively; my “Likeness”) and includes the permission to use my Appearance and my Likeness to advertise and exploit the Production in any media, throughout the universe, in perpetuity.  

2. I understand and agree that: (a) the consideration in Section 1 above is the full and complete compensation for use of my Appearance and that I have no other rights to the results and proceeds derived from my Appearance and/or the Production, (b) Production Company is the sole owner of all intellectual property rights in the Appearance and the Production, (c) my Appearance is a “work made for hire” for Production Company, (d) I do not have a claim against the Production Company based upon invasion of privacy, defamation, false light, or right of publicity; and (e) I waive all moral rights to my Appearance. 

3. I understand that the Production Company has the final discretion on the creative direction of the Production and may not use my Appearance in the final version of the Production. 

4. I release the Production Company from all liability, including but not limited to claims concerning copyright, privacy, publicity, and moral rights in connection with the use of my Appearance in the Production.

5. I also understand and agree that Production Company is the sole owner of all intellectual property rights in my Appearance and the Production and that my Appearance is a “work made for hire” for Production Company and I grant Production Company all rights in my Appearance including all the results and proceeds of my Appearance, and 
