This Deed is dated 22 February 2025


(1)            PARTY_2_NAME of PARTY_2_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (Settlor)

(2)            PARTY_3_NAME whose principal place of business is at PARTY_3_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE and PARTY_4_NAME whose principal place of business is at PARTY_4_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE (Trustees)


(A)           The Settlor has decided to create a bare trust for:

, who was born on ;

, who was born on ; and

, who was born on ,

together the Beneficiaries. Each of the Beneficiaries is a Beneficiary.

(B)            The Settlor has paid, or will pay, the Initial Fund to the Trustees.

Agreed terms

    1. Bare trust

    The Trustees must hold the Trust Fund on trust for the Beneficiary, in equal shares absolutely.

   2. Trust income

2.1           While the Beneficiary is under 18, the Trustees:

(a)        may pay some or all of the income from the Beneficiary's share of the Trust Fund to the Beneficiary or use it for Beneficiary's benefit; and
