14 March 2025

Customer Complaint [Reference number:REFERENCE]

Dear sir/madam,

As discussed on numerous occasions, we would like to draw your attention to the low quality of service provided by your company under the service contract dated [Date of Contract] ("Contract"). We have been entirely unsatisfied with the provision of your services.

As a summary of our discussions, we are formally notifying you of the following issues in writing:

1. Under the Contract, [insert requirements under the contract]. However, you have not complied with this requirement.

2. In relation to [service], your service staff only do the minimum and do not meet the basic standards as required under the Contract. There was a lack of attention to details.

3. Your staff was careless in performing [service] and has caused damaged to [property].

4. We are not aware of your staff performing [service] as required under the Contract.

5. We can name more than [number] of services that are not done to a quality that would meet the Contract requirements and to our satisfaction.

You are required to rectify all the items stated above within [No. of days] working days and take all such necessary actions and steps to maintain the standard of service required under the terms and conditions of the Contract.

We would like to draw your attention to article [x] of the Contract, which allow for the termination of the Contract if service quality fail to meet a certain standard. We do not want to consider this option, but we must have your written assurance that you will meet the Contract requirements in the future.
