To the [Commissioner of Taxation] / [Tax Office] / [Tax Bureau] / [Inland Revenue Department], 


11 March 2025

Dear Sir / Madam, 

Re: Holdover of [Provisional] Tax 

I am applying for holdover of [provisional] tax for the year of assessment [year] on the following grounds: 

[Salaries Tax

a. Income received by me from [Date] to [Date] was [amount].

b. Estimated income to be received by me from [Date] to [Date] will be [amount].

c. [Reasons for reduction : Unemployed / retired / salary reduction / others (please specify)].]


[I  claim [Married Person’s Allowance as I was married on [date] and my spouse  has no  income from employment during the year [Year] - [Name and Tax ID of Spouse].]

[I  claim  allowance(s)  for  the  following  dependant(s), which has / have NOT been  granted  in  the  notice  for  payment  of provisional salaries tax and I understand that my spouse / relative has not claimed such allowance(s): 

List of Child / Dependent Brother or Sister  - Name, ID, date of birth, relationship]
