Dated: 28 February 2025
Dear [Title] LAST,
Now is the chance to be your own boss, earn a little passive income for your family, achieve financial independence, have peace of mind without fear of being laid off, or simply retire early. ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY could be the solution for you!
ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY is a [multi-national] company with [hundreds] of innovative [field] products in the market. ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY’s products have received great reviews from [industry group / consumer body / media / testing agency] in terms of [superior quality, reliability and design]. Sales have just taken off and we are seeing demand increasing exponentially.
We would like to invite you to become a distributor for ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY. ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY can quickly train you in your spare time on opportunities in the [INDUSTRY], as well as its products range and how to use, market and service the products. All you need to start is to use ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY products. It is a great way to start your own business, full time or part time, with minimal investment in a growing sector full of qualified professionals. What is more, you will receive [continuous] commissions from users of ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY products you have introduced, a passive income stream which people cannot take away from you.
You can see a catalogue of ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY products on its website . Just sign up as a distributor through the site and an instructor will be assigned to you for the training. He/ She will be your “business partner”.
We are sure that you will share our enthusiasm on this opportunity and very much look forward to be hearing from you. Please contact us on 1234-5678 should you have any questions.