Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Directors
We hereby certify that the following board resolutions have been passed by the Board of Directors of ACCOUNT_JOB_COMPANY (“the Company”) at a Meeting of the Board duly convened and held at ACCOUNT_JOB_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE on 22 February 2025 at which a quorum was present and acted throughout in accordance with the Articles of the Company and have been duly recorded in the Minutes Book of the Company without amendment and that the same are now in full force and effect.
(1) That a securities trading account (“the Account”) be opened and maintained in the name of the Company with BROKER (“the Dealer”) for the purpose of holding funds relating to any purchases, sales, holdings and other dealings in securities as the Company may instruct the Dealer as its agent to effect from time to time on behalf of the Company and that the Account and all such purchases, sales, holdings and other dealings be effected subject to and in accordance with the Authorization for Account Opening and the provisions of the Cash Client’s Agreement;
(2) That the Authorization for Account Opening, Account Opening Form (together with the Schedules thereto) and the Cash Client’s Agreement in such form as completed and produced to the Meeting be and are hereby approved and that any two Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorized to sign the same for and on behalf of the Company and to deliver the signed originals to the Dealer; and
(3) That for the operation of the Account, any _______________ of the following persons be and is hereby authorized to give oral or written instructions on behalf of the Company, by telephone or in person or by facsimile or online or otherwise in all matters affecting the Account, including but not limited to the giving of securities trading instructions, transfer of funds, the delivery or transfer of securities and to sign any documents, statements or confirmations: