Statement of Wishes


I, ACCOUNT_FIRST_NAME ACCOUNT_LAST_NAME, of ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_SINGLE_LINE, being a legal adult being of competent and sound mind, make this statement about my Trust dated the DATE which confers discretionary powers on you and I appreciate that I cannot fetter your discretion or determine how you exercise your powers. In the hope that this may be of help to you in exercising your discretionary powers, but without imposing any binding obligations on you or seeking to prevent you from acting as you think best in light of changing circumstances, I would ask you to have regard to my wishes expressed below.

Although I know that I may not restrict the discretion of the Trustee in any way, I express the wish that my Trustee has due regard to these wishes when administering my estates. This statement supersedes and revokes entirely any previous letter / statement that I may have prepared in relation to my will.

If any one of the named beneficiaries predeceases me, their percentage of the trust fund should be distributed equally amongst the other named beneficiaries.
