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Complaint Letter to Public Utilities Service Provider

Over Charging

Complaint letter to utilities company (electricity, gas, water, telecom) on over charging in monthly bill and demanding adjustment of bill amount. Request that the company review and respond to the revised bill.

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Document Description

The document titled 'Complaint Letter to Public Utilities Service Provider' is an important document that is used to address an issue of overcharging in the consumption of electricity, gas, water, or mobile data services. The purpose of this document is to bring the issue to the attention of the service provider and request a review of the billed amount.


The entire document consists of a complaint letter that is addressed to the customer service department of the service provider. It starts with a salutation ('Dear Sir / Madam') and includes a reference to the company's bill dated [billing date]. The author of the letter states that the billed amount of $[bill amount] is overstated and provides reasons for challenging the accuracy of the electricity/gas/water/data usage stated on the bill. The author also mentions that they have supporting information, such as past average consumption/usage in a similar period, to substantiate their complaint.


The letter further includes a request for the service provider to review the meter reading/data usage record, make the appropriate adjustment to the billed amount, and send a revised bill. The author expresses their expectation of hearing from the service provider within the next 7 days.


In summary, this document serves as a formal complaint letter to address an issue of overcharging in the consumption of public utilities services. It provides detailed information about the inaccurate billing and requests a review and adjustment of the billed amount.

How to use this document?

To use the 'Complaint Letter to Public Utilities Service Provider' document effectively, follow these steps:


1. Gather necessary information: Collect all relevant details related to the overcharged service consumption, such as the company's bill, service start date, service end date, and the billed amount ($[bill amount]).


2. State the issue clearly: Begin the letter by addressing the service provider's customer service department and stating the purpose of the letter - to address the overcharging of service consumption.


3. Provide reasons and supporting information: Clearly explain the reasons why you believe the billed amount is overstated. Include any supporting information, such as past average consumption/usage in a similar period, to strengthen your complaint.


4. Request a review and adjustment: Clearly state your request for the service provider to review the meter reading/data usage record and make the appropriate adjustment to the billed amount. Emphasize the need for a revised bill.


5. Set a deadline for response: Express your expectation of hearing from the service provider within the next 7 days. This sets a timeframe for their response.


By following these steps, you can effectively use the 'Complaint Letter to Public Utilities Service Provider' document to address and resolve the issue of overcharging in the consumption of public utilities services.

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