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Cease and Desist Letter / Warning Letter

Trespass of Property

This document can be used to draft a sampled Template final warning Cease and Desist Letter to a trespasser who has continuously harassed the victim. This letter is in favour of the victim within the harassment to warn the Trespasser to stop the workplace harassment actions or face legal actions by the dissatisfaction.

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Document Description

The Cease and Desist Letter / Warning Letter is a document that is used to formally request an individual or entity to stop engaging in certain actions that are considered unlawful or harmful. This document is important as it serves as a legal notice to the recipient, informing them of their wrongful actions and the potential consequences if they fail to comply.


The entire document consists of several sections that provide detailed information and instructions. The first section is the introduction, which includes the account holder's name, email, and address, as well as the recipient's name and address. This section sets the tone for the letter and establishes the parties involved.


The next section is the main body of the letter, which addresses the specific issue of harassment or trespass. The content of this section varies depending on whether the harassment is caused by a human or an animal. It clearly states that the recipient must immediately cease the unlawful actions and explains the damages that have been suffered as a result.


The following section discusses the legal implications of the recipient's actions. It informs them that under the laws of the jurisdiction, the account holder has the option to file a criminal or civil action against them if the trespass continues. It also warns the recipient that a lawsuit will be filed if they do not cease the trespass or harassment.


The letter then states that if a lawsuit is necessary, the account holder will seek recovery of all legal fees and costs incurred. It emphasizes that the account holder is prepared to take whatever action is necessary to address the issue.


Finally, the letter concludes by stating that if the recipient does not confirm in writing by a certain date that they will cease the trespass and harassment, a lawsuit will be commenced immediately. It also reserves the account holder's rights to take further legal actions and seek all available remedies if the harassment is not promptly ceased.


The document also includes a section called 'Schedule - Record of Trespass', which provides a date, time, and description of the trespass. This section serves as a record of the incidents and can be used as evidence if legal action is taken.


In summary, the Cease and Desist Letter / Warning Letter is a crucial document that highlights the importance of addressing unlawful actions and provides detailed instructions for the recipient to cease their actions. It covers various aspects, including the introduction, the main body addressing the issue, legal implications, consequences, and the record of trespass.

How to use this document?

1. Enter the account holder's and recipient's information, including their names, email addresses, and physical addresses. This ensures that both parties are clearly identified.

2. Specify the type of harassment or trespass that is occurring. If it is caused by a human, state that the recipient must immediately keep off the account holder's property. If it is caused by an animal, state that the recipient must keep their animal off the property. Be specific about the actions that are considered unlawful.

3. Describe the damages that have been suffered as a result of the harassment or trespass. This helps the recipient understand the consequences of their actions.

4. Inform the recipient about the legal implications of their actions. Explain that the account holder has the option to file a criminal or civil action against them if the trespass continues. Emphasize that this may lead to an award of damages, a fine, payment of court fees, or even a criminal record.

5. Clearly state that if the recipient does not cease the trespass or harassment, a lawsuit will be filed against them. Make it clear that this is the final warning and that no further letters will be sent.

6. Mention that if a lawsuit is necessary, the account holder will seek recovery of all legal fees and costs incurred. This shows the seriousness of the situation and the account holder's determination to address the issue.

7. Set a deadline for the recipient to confirm in writing that they will cease the trespass and harassment. Make it clear that if they fail to do so, a lawsuit will be commenced immediately.

8. Reserve the account holder's rights to take further legal actions and seek all available remedies if the harassment is not promptly ceased.

9. Include a 'Schedule - Record of Trespass' section to document the incidents. This section should include the date, time, and description of each trespass. This serves as evidence if legal action is taken.


Note: It is important to consult with a legal professional to ensure that the Cease and Desist Letter / Warning Letter is tailored to the specific situation and complies with applicable laws and regulations.

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