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Request / Demand for Apology

Defamatory Comment

A demand for public apology and retraction of defamation of character / defamatory comments, threatening to take legal action.

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Document Description

The document titled 'Request / Demand for Apology' is a formal letter that is used to address a situation where a malicious and untrue comment has been made about the individual, company, product, or services. The importance of this document lies in its ability to protect the reputation and interests of the affected party.


The entire document consists of several sections that serve different purposes. The first section includes the account information, such as the company name, address, contact details, and the recipient's name. This information is essential for identification and communication purposes.


The second section is the introduction, which starts with a salutation addressing the recipient by their title and last name. It also includes the current date to establish the timeline of the issue. The introduction clearly states the purpose of the letter, which is to address the defamatory comment made by the recipient.


The third section provides a detailed description of the defamatory comment. It emphasizes that the comment is malicious, untrue, and potentially damaging to the reputation of the affected party. This section aims to make the recipient aware of the seriousness of their actions.


The fourth section is the demand for retraction, apology, and clarification. It clearly states that the affected party strongly disagrees with the comment and demands an immediate retraction. The recipient is also required to issue a public apology and clarification to rectify the damage caused. This section serves as a warning to the recipient about the consequences of not complying with the demand.


The fifth section addresses the potential legal actions that will be taken if the recipient fails to comply within 10 days. It states that the affected party reserves the right to pursue all legal and equitable remedies against the recipient. This section emphasizes the seriousness of the matter and the determination of the affected party to protect their interests.


In conclusion, the document 'Request / Demand for Apology' is of great importance as it serves to protect the reputation and interests of the affected party. It consists of various sections, including the account information, introduction, description of the defamatory comment, demand for retraction and apology, and a warning about potential legal actions.

How to use this document?

1. Provide account information: Fill in the account's job company, address, telephone number, and email address in the designated fields. This information is necessary for identification and communication purposes.

2. Address the recipient: Begin the letter by addressing the recipient by their title and last name. Also, include the current date to establish the timeline of the issue.

3. Describe the defamatory comment: Clearly specify the malicious and untrue comment made by the recipient. Use precise language to convey the seriousness of the comment and its potential damage.

4. Demand retraction, apology, and clarification: Clearly state the demand for the immediate retraction of the comment. Also, require the recipient to issue a public apology and clarification to rectify the damage caused.

5. Warn of potential legal actions: Inform the recipient that if they fail to comply within 10 days, the affected party will pursue legal actions. Emphasize the determination to protect the interests and reputation of the affected party.

6. Close the letter: Sign off the letter with the account's first name, last name, and job title at the account job company. This adds credibility and professionalism to the letter.

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