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Deed Poll for Change of Name

Consent letter from spouse/civil partner

This is a letter for a spouse/civil partner to inform the authorities of his or her consent to the change of name of his or her spouse. This is a letter for a spouse/civil partner to inform the authorities of his or her consent to the change of name of his or her spouse.

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The document should be signed by the authorised signatory (or directors of a company) and witnessed to complete the formality.

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Document Description

The document titled 'Deed Poll for Change of Name' is a legal document that is used to officially change a person's name. This document is important as it provides a formal and legal way for individuals to change their name and update their identification documents accordingly.


The entire document consists of several sections that serve different purposes. The first section of the document includes the account holder's first name, last name, and address. This information is necessary to identify the individual who is requesting the name change.


The next section of the document includes the name of the authority or organization that will be responsible for processing the name change. This could be a government agency or a specific department within an organization.


The document also includes the current date, which is important for record-keeping purposes and to establish the timeline of the name change process.


The main purpose of the document is to confirm that the account holder has received written notice from their partner, who intends to change their name through the enrollment of a deed poll. The account holder also confirms that they have no objection to their partner changing their name from their former name to the new name.


The document concludes with the account holder's signature, which serves as their formal agreement and consent to the name change.


Overall, the 'Deed Poll for Change of Name' document is a legally binding agreement that allows individuals to change their name in a formal and recognized manner. It ensures that the name change process is properly documented and acknowledged by all parties involved.

How to use this document?

To use the 'Deed Poll for Change of Name' document, follow these steps:


1. Fill in the account holder's first name, last name, and address in the designated fields. This information is necessary to identify the individual who is requesting the name change.


2. Enter the name of the authority or organization that will be responsible for processing the name change. This could be a government agency or a specific department within an organization.


3. Provide the current date in the designated field. This will establish the timeline of the name change process.


4. Confirm that you have received written notice from your partner, who intends to change their name through the enrollment of a deed poll. This confirms your awareness and consent to the name change.


5. Indicate that you have no objection to your partner changing their name from their former name to the new name. Include their identification number for reference.


6. Sign the document to formalize your agreement and consent to the name change.


By following these steps, you can properly use the 'Deed Poll for Change of Name' document and ensure that the name change process is completed accurately and legally.

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