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Notice of Checklist Review for Personal Injuries Claim

Plaintiff acting in person

Notice of Checklist Review for a plaintiff acting in person

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Document Description

The document titled 'Notice of Checklist Review for Personal Injuries Claim' is an important document in a personal injuries action case in the District Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It serves as a notice to the involved parties, the plaintiff and the defendant, about the upcoming checklist review. The checklist review is scheduled to take place on a specific day, which is mentioned in the document. The purpose of the checklist review is to ensure that all necessary documents and information are in order before proceeding with the case.


The document starts with the title 'Notice of Checklist Review' followed by the case details, including the case number and the names of the plaintiff and the defendant. It also mentions the date, time, and location of the checklist review, which is set to take place in the District Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


The document then informs the parties that their attendance is required at the checklist review. If either party intends to have a solicitor represent them, they must provide this notice to their solicitor, who is also required to attend the hearing on their behalf. Failure to attend the hearing may result in the court making appropriate orders.


Additionally, the document states that a questionnaire for personal injuries actions is attached to the notice. This questionnaire, along with all the documents listed in paragraph 108 of the Personal Injuries List Practice Direction 18.1, must be completed and filed with the District Court Registry no later than 14 days before the checklist review.


The document is dated with the current date and is signed by the plaintiff, who is acting in person.


Overall, the 'Notice of Checklist Review for Personal Injuries Claim' is a crucial document that informs the parties about the upcoming checklist review, emphasizes the importance of attendance, and provides instructions regarding the necessary documents and questionnaire that need to be filed.

How to use this document?

To effectively use the 'Notice of Checklist Review for Personal Injuries Claim' document, follow these steps:


1. Read the document carefully to understand the purpose and importance of the checklist review.

2. Take note of the date, time, and location mentioned in the document. Ensure that you are available and able to attend the checklist review at the specified time.

3. If you wish to have a solicitor represent you in the case, provide this notice to your solicitor as soon as possible. Inform them about the checklist review and ensure that they are available to attend on your behalf.

4. Complete the attached questionnaire for personal injuries actions. Ensure that you provide accurate and detailed information as requested in the questionnaire.

5. Gather all the documents listed in paragraph 108 of the Personal Injuries List Practice Direction 18.1. These documents are essential for the checklist review, so make sure to collect them well in advance.

6. File the completed questionnaire and all the required documents with the District Court Registry. Ensure that you submit them no later than 14 days before the checklist review.

7. Keep a copy of the completed questionnaire and all the submitted documents for your records.

8. Attend the checklist review at the specified date, time, and location. Be prepared to present any additional information or documents that may be requested during the review.

9. Follow any further instructions or orders given by the court based on the checklist review.


By following these steps, you can effectively navigate the checklist review process and ensure that you are well-prepared for your personal injuries claim case in the District Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

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